Dead Oak in Restrictive Site
On Friday 13th October 2017, we attended a project which had a number of challenges. the focus of the work consisted of a long dead oak tree. The site also presented many complications, namely; restrictive access, a number of overhead power and phone cables directly underneath the tree, in addition to being adjacent to a busy commuter road, the clients house and their driveway.
This particular project required lots of planning and coordinating with various teams. We organised with Western Power Distribution a temporary power outage for the day, the local council to confirm the trees planning status and traffic management companies to put in place traffic management. In addition to this we required a Mobile Elevated Working Platform (M.E.W.P) to conduct the work to due to the nature of the tree being very dead, unstable and dangerourus to climb.
The traffic management team arrived at 8am and efficiently set out the traffic lights and equipment securing the safety of the site for the day. Once Western Power Distribution confirmed the power was off, our Arboriculture team worked quickly using the M.E.W.P to reduce the overhanging branches only taking a few hours before we could move off the road and into the driveway to finish the job.
As part of the service, we utilised a quadbike and trailer to quickly relocate logs, taken from the Oak, to the end of the clients’ garden into their log store. This allowed us to reduce time on site in addition to minimising disturbance to the client and their neighbours. We promptly finished on-site at around 3.30pm half an hour before the power was due to be turned back on.
All in all, it was a very successful day. We managed to control all the risks presented at the site in addition to leaving the client with a smile on their faces.
We feel this is an exemplary case study of how we worked with the client and various other teams to find the best and safest solution to the site. Should you have any queries about this particular project or a query about a potential project, please do not hesitate to contact us.